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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The decline of opera - from Emiliano Gonzalez Toro, directeur artistique at Festival International de Musique Baroque et Sacrée de Froville

1 comment:

  1. A number of you have reposted this broadside, with eminent satisfaction. Someone, you suppose, has finally stood up for the art form that we love, and which has been failing now for some time. I regret I must disabuse you of your contentment. Like a quack doctor who has seen the patient, enervated with fever, breaking out in boils with a filthy cough, and prescribes some ointment to cover the boils, an aspirin for the fever, etc., M. Toro has listed the symptoms, but has failed to probe for the underlying malady, like the French after Sedan (pick one) who have realized something must be wrong with their tactics after the war is lost. The young, supine man who accepted the insult from JEGy is emblematic of the acceptance of the degradation which opera, and actually much of cultural life now suffers, from the regietheater con men, who along with the rest of the cultural left clown car delight in public insult, their narcissistic grins appearing at curtain calls for audiences to applaud their latest atrocity. So, what's wrong? You could wish that the young victim of Gardiner's slap, didn't counter with a right cross - so much more therapeutic than the suggested 'therapy' our beloved JEGy will undergo to cure his repulsive violative personality. In the same sense, artists have chosen complicity with the decay. The market has brought down it's judgement, in the form of empty seats. The patient will be lost.
