When I was a child, I would listen surreptitiously to late-night radio, hidden beneath my pillow. The Billy Graham 'Hour of Decision' competed with Cousin Brucie spinning rock. Tales of salvation, personal witness to the transforming vision of embracing Jesus was a delightful alternative to Rabbi Rosenberg's Sunday sermons, droning on about Martin Buber and the moral failings of Vietnam. Competing for my sleep was Rev. Graham smiting the Commies, or Mitch Rider's 'Devil with a Blue Dress On.' The Devil, along with The Temptations, usually won out.
When I was a child, I would listen surreptitiously to late-night radio, hidden beneath my pillow. The Billy Graham 'Hour of Decision' competed with Cousin Brucie spinning rock. Tales of salvation, personal witness to the transforming vision of embracing Jesus was a delightful alternative to Rabbi Rosenberg's Sunday sermons, droning on about Martin Buber and the moral failings of Vietnam. Competing for my sleep was Rev. Graham smiting the Commies, or Mitch Rider's 'Devil with a Blue Dress On.' The Devil, along with The Temptations, usually won out.