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Monday, April 13, 2015

Günter Grass, German Novelist and Social Critic, Dies at 87 - NYTimes.com

Günter Grass, German Novelist and Social Critic, Dies at 87 - NYTimes.com:

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1 comment:

  1. “Here is a novelist who has gone so public he can’t be bothered to write a novel,” John Updike wrote. “He just sends dispatches to his readers from the front line of his engagement.” Updike had his number. A vapid poster-child of the Intellectual left, alternately mendacious and pretentious, his attack upon Israel was a useful hint for what was to become the last stages of rot within the European Left - the new 'anti-Zionism.' The ex-SS soldier with moral presumptions, lectures to Israel, and is quite disturbed by the idea that Jews might want to defend themselves. A Tin Drum himself, quite noisy, but ultimately empty, a perfect man of Post-war Europe.
