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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Excellent news! I have been self-medicating for decades!



  1. Resveratrol in red wine as a cure. I am a bit skeptical that it can ward off diabetes, because there is a fair amount of sugar in red wine. I have no doubt that a glass a day reduces cholesterol, but I found that when I drank red wine, food was always involved. I cooked with it, I drank it while cooking and it increased my appetite as I drank it. This just may be my reaction. As I said, I believe that there is some benefit to cholesterol, because something has been saving the French from their rich-food lifestyle. Also, I heard that red wine was an anti-oxidant, and I drank a lot of it and got colon cancer anyway - the doctors said that my cancer was genetic, something that red wine cannot cure. I do not deny the ambiance of a dinner with red wine or its elegance. It is just difficult to tell what a thing prevents when nothing happens yet.

  2. I feel a certain skepticism whenever something like this is published, Barbara, as it appears so gratifying! The same reports, by the way, periodically surface about chocolate - another favorite, probably to filed under wishful thinking!
    Deeply glad you're still with us after the bout with cancer! (and as my mother used to say - stay that way!
    X J
