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Monday, November 14, 2011

Stephanie Blythe "Lo faro, diro spietato" Rodelinda


  1. Enraging! This is a bootleg video, created by some little shit with a cellphone, lurking in the stage-left lower boxes. Apart from cheating artists of their commissions, it's a pathetic shadow of the real beauty of Stephanie Blythe's gifts.

  2. It appears that the little shit drank too much coffee with his dinner. I made the error of reading some of the comments, a few of which are directed towards this woman's weight. Why on earth someone would notice her weight when she has such a magnificent voice is beyond me. Throw them to the lions.

  3. I didn't even want to bring up the drivel in the comments section...usually I warn people not to go there, as it's mostly internet trolls and miscreants. I would slay anyone who dare hurt Stephanie.

  4. I agree. I usually avoid reading them myself, as it makes me crazy. And, yes, anyone who would dare insult this lovely woman needs to be put on the rack. I would love to see her in person, and hear that amazing voice.
