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Monday, October 31, 2011

Anonymous Veracruz copia


  1. Apologies for those who are not Spanish-speaking, but his is a curious moment - a video, purported to be from 'Anonymous,' threatening the Zeta drug cartel in Mexico, with revealing their street connections, police, journalists, etc. if one of their members, allegedly kidnapped in Vera Cruz is not released. Personally, the rather slick production quality, 'radio-standard' Spanish used, etc. make me skeptical of their claim. The slang, 'pendejo' etc. is right for Mexico, but it seems a little too polished for this crowd. Could Langley be this shrewd?

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJORGO1Q2VY

    is the english one

  3. Thank you - the translation is a rather bowdlerized version of the original Spanish, however.

  4. I think this is creepy, weird and immensely intriguing. Perfect for Halloween.
