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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Desperate Dictatorship: The Crack-Up Of The Iranian Regime Has Begun | The New Republic

Desperate Dictatorship: The Crack-Up Of The Iranian Regime Has Begun | The New Republic


  1. Intellectual history is charming, but I don't find much actual pragmatic insight into the strength of this regime - The Revolutionary Guards are not Praetorians, but a virtual industrial regime within the state, and command huge sectors of the most viable parts of the economy; their stability is much more tied to the price of oil and pistachios than the dialectical drivel that underpins the regime.

  2. Jim, I'm glad that you mentioned oil, because I was surprised that this was left out of the article. Also left out of the article is the fact that Iran is a "Desperate dictatorship" because the government, sometimes forcibly, doesn't allow people to vote. I have no idea how this regime can be fixed.
